Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Delta Management Team - Shinoj

Vision of London 2012 olympics is '...to use the power of the games to inspire change' . It interesting to note how the olympic games can bring about changes in a society . In most cases internal business changes are made in response to what is happening in the external environment. But The LOCOG (The London Organising Committee for the Olympic and Paralympic Games) is different from many organisations in that its vision is to inspire changes that could affect the entire population of the UK. One of its aim is to act as a catalyst to improve transport system accessiblity througout London and UK. LOCOG is looking forward to enpower disabled people to make full use fo public transport to get to the games and believes this would encourage diabled people to continue using public transport even after 2012 olympics. LOCOG is also promoting walking and cycling. Creating a good walking and cycling experience for people during the Games could see more people choosing this travel option afterwards. Clearly sustainable transport is of prime importance and LOCOG aims to bring about a change in way Londoners commute. London 2012 is also hoping to bring back a culture of competitive sport in schools.

It is also interesting note that the first sustainability titled ' A blueprint for change'

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